Trouble Shoot for downloading, download limits and many more.
Trouble Shoot for downloading, download limits and many more.
When you click on a link, regardless of whether or not you choose to save the file, it is still sent to your computer in raw form. And since the file has begun to transmit, our server counts this as a download. We cannot verify the entire download was saved to your computer, as this would put your computer at a great security risk and require you to install additional software. Knowing that this situation may occur once in a great while is another reason we allow our users a generous number of downloads during the course of the day. In addition, the number of times you have previously downloaded a model is always displayed on the model page accompanying the model's information.
Due to the security measures in place, users may only have one 3d decorative window open at a time when downloading models. This ensures that no one can "steal" your daily downloads, thereby protecting your account.
Yes, but in order to prevent subscription abuse, we limit the number of models you may download each day to 10 for premium membership and 50 for pro membership, and the number of times you may download the same model to 5. If you should pass this limit, you will not be able to download more models that day
Yes, there are download limits based on your membership type. Premium members can download up to 10 models per day, with each model downloadable up to five times. Pro members have a higher limit of 50 models per day, with each model downloadable up to five times. These limits ensure fair usage and allow access to a variety of models while maintaining a smooth experience for all users.
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